The grand synagogue of Florence was inaugurated in 1882, a few years after the Emancipation of the Italian Jews in 1861 with the proclamation of Italian Unity. It is one of the most important examples in Europe of the exotic Moorish style. Its physiognomy, unlike traditional Florentine architecture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and the large cupola covered in green copper (originally gilded) stand out along the city skyline and this city monument is visible from every panoramic view spot.
Distance from Casa Montecuccoli: 28 Km – 40 min
Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico – Firenze
The grand synagogue of Florence was inaugurated in 1882, a few years after the Emancipation of the Italian Jews in 1861 with the proclamation of Italian Unity. It is one of the most important examples in Europe of the exotic Moorish style. Its physiognomy, unlike traditional Florentine architecture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and the large cupola covered in green copper (originally gilded) stand out along the city skyline and this city monument is visible from every panoramic view spot.
Distance from Casa Montecuccoli: 28 Km – 40 min